Environmental Performance Criteria 2.2
Indoor Environmental Quality

Sustainable Sites

Water Efficiency

Energy & Atmosphere

Materials & Resources

Indoor Environmental Quality

Innovation & Design Process

Credit 9: Indoor Environmental Safety


Ensure health and safety of employees.


Design laboratories to ensure contaminants are contained and workers are protected.

Credit 9.1 (1 point)
Optimize indoor airflow based on results of computational fluid dynamics (CFD) or physical modeling.

Credit 9.2 (1 point)
Conduct fume hood commissioning that includes ASHRAE-110 Method of Testing Performance of Laboratory Fume Hoods (latest version) As Installed. Scope of testing to include 6.1 Flow Visualization, 6.2 Face Velocity Measurements and 7.0 Tracer Gas Test Procedures. The hood performance rating for the Tracer Gas Test procedure shall be at least 4.0 AI 0.1 as specified in ASHRAE-110.

Credit 9.3 (1 point)
Design all alarm systems in the laboratory to be inherently self-identifying and failsafe.

Technologies & Strategies

Credit 9.1

  • Optimize indoor lab airflow with proper fume hood location.
  • Use small control zones.
  • Use specialty laboratory supply air diffusers.
  • Separate lab from non-lab spaces.

Credit 9.3

  • Incorporate verbal warning systems, placards, and/or warning lights into alarm systems.
  • Conduct failure mode analysis on alarm systems.


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